Checklist of final questions for the ethnographic research
Here comes the most important part of your research: preparing a presentation on your observations, impressions, and conclusions from what you have seen today. Put it all together and share with others.

We’ve already gathered all of your photos and videos that you’ve sent in the chat. Now, all you have to do is to pick the 10 most informative slides to illustrate your story. You can add other photos, but don't overdo it. Important: we greatly appreciate the cultural traits you’ve noticed and your conclusions about them rather than stories about where you’ve been and what you’ve seen. Also, your story should be no more than 4 minutes long. The subjective jury may even add extra points to your team for the most informative and substantiated conclusions.

Here’s a checklist with questions that might help you:
  • 1
    Make a note of several features of Tel Aviv which made you feel positive.
  • 2
    And what made you feel negative?
  • 3
    How did you feel interacting with the locals? Name some features which, in your opinion, are characteristics of them. With this in mind, how can you effectively communicate with locals?
  • 4
    If your team were to become head of City Hall, which three first steps would you take to improve the urban environment?
  • 5
    Could you live in Tel-Aviv? Why? How different are the views of your team members?
  • 6
    Which peculiarities impede the development of the city?
  • 7
    Are there any striking features of Tel Aviv which catch your eye but local residents do not consider them to be problematic?
  • 8
    What struck you most today? Was there anything unexpected? A pattern break?
  • 9
    What stands out the most to you personally? What do you consider to be the main feature of Tel Aviv?
  • 10
    Which new facts have you learned about Tel Aviv, Israel or maybe the Middle East as such?