On the way
You can complete these tasks in different parts of the city. They are partially connected to the main locations or offer a range of places to choose from, letting you take a look at life in Tel Aviv from a different perspective and enrich your experience of today with new insights.
So what about hummus?
The most mouth-watering task is to explore Jewish cuisine. First of all, it is important to figure out what kosher is and what treif (non-kosher) is.

It is acceptable to eat meat of cud-chewing even-toed ungulates, such as goats, cows, deer, gazelles, etc. Pigs do not chew their cuds, so it is forbidden. According to halakha (Jewish law), animals must be slaughtered in a single cutting movement of a very sharp knife. After that blood must be drained off, then meat must be washed in three waters.

You can eat poultry but not birds of prey (owls, eagles, pelicans). It is permitted to eat eggs without blood spots in the yolk that are bigger from one (rounded) end and smaller from the other (sharp) end.

Fish need fins and scales to be permissible. Therefore, salmon can be eaten and, consequently, red caviar, too. However, it is forbidden to eat sturgeons and black caviar.

Meat and dairy products cannot be consumed together: there should be some time between such meals. However, fruit, vegetables, honey and nuts can be consumed with both of these foods.

The Torah specifies all these complicated dietary laws. For most of us, it is extremely hard to understand why such strict rules are necessary. What is way more interesting is the attitude of modern Tel Aviv residents to such dietary laws. Do they follow or neglect kosher rules?

We suggest you get an exciting gastronomic experience and grab a bite at one of Tel Aviv’s markets.

The Carmel Market: it is the largest and the noisiest market. Practically anything can be bought here, from ripe strawberries or fresh squeezed lemonade to sneakers or beach tennis rackets. Thanks God, you get to the market on the way to the beach. Though there are vociferous sellers and voracious buyers, as well as the atmosphere of a real Eastern market in the air, at no time will you feel deceived or foisted. All the sellers are smiley and friendly. They will be glad to haggle over the price in fluent English. They might tell you a funny story or even treat you with something yummy!

The following two markets are can be found in other tasks. So, to complete the experience, we suggest you go to the Carmel Market if you have enough free time.

The Levinsky Market: this is where people buy spices and Mediterranean foods (from Turkey, Romania and Greece). Its main part is located between Ha'Aliya and Herzl streets. Here you can find savories, bourekas (a local baked pastry), pickled products, exotic sausages, fish, olives, teas with rose petals sold by weight, Indian spices, saffron of high quality, za'atar (a local spice mixture), etc.
This market is in the Florentin neighborhood, where you can complete other tasks.

The Sarona Market: it is a prestigious indoor food court, or a more refined version of street food with rare sections of smaller stalls. It is all about pleasant coolness and nice market-goers.
This market is in the Sarona neighborhood, where you can complete other tasks.
Task 20
Try local street food. Send us a photo of your team’s repast and a receipt for it. These two photos will help you earn 5 points. But you can have 5 more! There are two options:

Keep costs to a minimum. Save as much money as possible and send us the picture of your most meager snack of the lowest price per person. You will earn another 5 points for the photo of your team and the minimum price of meal per person (as compared to the other teams).
Loosen the purse strings. In this case, you will earn another 5 points for the photo of your team and the maximum price of meal per person (as compared to the other teams).

As evidence we expect you to send us the photo of your team’s snack (showing each member of your team) and the photo of a receipt including the price for the lunch or dish. As soon as all the teams finish the tasks, we will summarize the results and add up the scores.
We will give you 2 additional points if you find and eat something very exotic (according to those who organize of the event).
Markets in Tel Aviv
up to 12 points
Smart City?
This smart city is designed for clever discerning travelers. There is no limit to perfection.

Quality of Living City Ranking is annually published by Mercer, an international consulting company. All the cities included in the ranking are rated based on the following important criteria:

• quality of social environment
• cultural life
• political stability
• education
• transport accessibility
• attractiveness for business

In total, the quality of living in at least 200 most popular cities in the world is estimated by Mercer. We found 2019 Quality of Living Ranking. Now, Tel Aviv took the honorable 104th place. In other words, the city is the golden mean. At the same time, Moscow, for example, ranked 167th, which makes one wonder whether the ranking is really that unbiased. Comparing personal impressions of Tel Aviv with the reviews of returnees and those who relocated, one could say that, over the past few years, Moscow has been consistently overperforming Tel Aviv in terms of quality of living and other parameters.
Task 21
We invite you to rank how convenient Tel Aviv is for a short-term visit using a 5-point scale:

1. Buy the Rav-Kav smart card used for public transportation and take the entire team on a ride to try out local buses and/or minibuses

2. Install an e-scooter and bike rental app. Now rent e-scooters or bikes. Did it work?

3. When you were making payments in different places (shops, markets, museums, pharmacies, etc.), did you notice any limitations or peculiarities?

4. Compare the costs of the services you receive with the ones in your country.

An answer to each item of the task you completed will help you get 2 points.

City Quality of Living Ranking

Rav-Kav smart card official website
up to 8 points
Oh that vibe
You could never imagine Tel Aviv without a beach and the beach without the residents of Tel Aviv. This combination creates a unique vibe and even the guests of the city become vibrant.

You can complete this task in one chosen location and combine it with others to earn more points!

In general, right from the start, Tel Aviv gives the impression of a very safe and relaxed city. The only thing which interferes with this relaxation is the sound of the never-ending traffic and repair works.

The chillout reaches its peak in the late afternoon, at about 6 p.m. This is the time when the whole city starts moving towards the embankment as if by magic. You could call it Hell of Israel in a good way. People run, drive, go, walk their dogs, sit, lie around, do yoga, work out, play football and volleyball, smoke cannabis (yes, you will quickly smell this), swim, drink (in bars and outdoors using paper-bag bottles) and have barbecue. It happens 24/7, all the year round.
Task 22.1
This is the most pleasant task of the day (according to what we think). Today your mission is to get immersed in this vibe, try to become a part of it at least for a short period of time (though we hope you will have more time to do this in the next days of the module). Do some jogging, ride an e-scooter or a bike, play volleyball, dip your toe in the water or play with dogs (there are a few dog-friendly beaches). To cut a long story short, soak up the atmosphere and get the best experiences that the evening beach in Tel Aviv offers.

It will help you gain an insight into what residents of Tel Aviv tend to be like. They are in no hurry and are usually quite relaxed. Some details which seem to be vital for you might go unnoticed by those who live in Tel Aviv. After all, everyone here knows that they will enjoy the beach and the evening vibe of the city.

Choose five most vivid experiences you have had and share them with us in the photo format. You get 1 point per each experience.
up to 5 points
See the task for the adventurous 22.2:
Watch the beginning of the American comedy You Don’t Mess with the Zohan considered iconic (for some people). Even though it is the 2008 movie, its first minutes do convey the emotional state of being at this very beach in Tel Aviv. Choose the cheekiest member of your team and shoot a scene of the Zohan walking along the beach. Can you outdo Adam Sandler? Remember about the importance of your facial expression and gait! This is worth giving 7 points for! The video should not exceed 20 sec. Good luck!
up to 7 points
Breaking stereotypes
The ability to separate the wheat from the chaff and fact from fiction means we defy stereotypes related to Jews. Or sometimes confirm that some of them are actually true.

“How many Zionists does it take to replace a light bulb? Four: One to stay home and convince others to do it, a second to donate the bulb, a third to screw it in and a fourth to proclaim that the entire Jewish people stands behind their actions.” Do you remember similar jokes?

We daresay that while you were going to Israel you couldn’t help thinking about a whole range of stereotypes.

These are some of them:

• all Jews are greedy and avaricious, hoping to make themselves rich by any means. They are born moneylenders
• Jewish mothers hold sway of their sons practically until they die and even getting married is prohibited unless you get your mother’s consent
• matzo and forshmak represent traditional local cuisine
• Jews wear payots to infuriate others
• the whole population of Israel consists of Orthodox people in strange hats
• half of the population in Tel Aviv walks around carrying assault rifles
everyone is always ready to immediately go down to shelter in case of warning of a missile attack
• Israel would have dissolved a long time ago if it hadn’t been for immigrants from the former Soviet Union

You can add your own stereotypes that have not been listed.
Task 23
Make a list of stereotypes that you have debunked during the day. Summarize it in one sentence following a similar format: “We used to think that men in Tel Aviv wear kippahs and payots and are rather stout but it turned out that they are muscular Apollos who enjoy all kinds of beach sports”.

It is likely that some of your stereotypes will not only be confirmed, but they will also be solidified. Write them down, too. For example, “We used to think that Jews like to save money, but it turns out that they REALLY like to save money”.

Send us your list of collected stereotypes and debunked myths to get 2 points for each of them (with the maximum of 10 points). Please send them all in one list only. Please note that the list will be assessed by a local expert. We will accept only justified opinions. So don’t skimp work!
up to 10 points
How do you like it, Uri Geller?
A spoon bender, the Great and Terrible. Who is Uri Geller? Prodigy or great hoaxer and marketing genius?

Do you remember it when in 2021 the Ever Given container ship ran aground obstructing the Suez Canal? So much effort was put into freeing and refloating the ship! Carriers, insurers and everyone involved in this business tore their hair out, suffering billions in losses. 14 tugboats and dredgers worked day and night to refloat the stranded container ship. What a relief it was for everyone to find out that the vessel was finally freed.

The famous illusionist, mentalist and spoon bender Uri Geller seems to have been the only person in the world who was as cool as a cucumber then. The thing is when Ever Given ran aground, Uri said, «We can do this [refloat the ship] with mind power energy». When the vessel was freed, Uri reminded the world about his modest achievement. Now you are among those few who know the greatest secret of all times!

In 2015, having grown older, Uri, who is 76 now, came back to his hometown and opened the museum dedicated to his life which is located in Old Jaffa. What do you think is right in front of its entrance? You’d better see the artifact with your own eyes and touch it with your own hands.

Uri claims that he owes his power to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. The aliens are said to have kidnapped Uri at the age of three, endowing him with unprecedented superpowers. However, critics assume that Uri's superpowers are making money out of thin air and gaining profits by exploiting anything that could have Uri Geller’s brand name on it. For example, the museum's website sales bronze handguns that have bent barrels and the word PEACE carved in three languages. How much do you think each of these handguns costs? 6,000 bucks, Carl!
Task 24.1
Prove that your team is no less powerful than Uri. Come up with your own idea and work a miracle. Those around you should stare in awe and admiration. Record a short video (in a horizontal format, of 15 sec) demonstrating the miracle to local residents (they should be captured on video). The video will work wonders and you’ll get 10 points. Remember to finish your performance with the words «How do you like it, Uri Geller?»
10 points
Task 24.2
There is a short fragment from the interview of Benjamin Netanyahu at the Uri Geller museum website, where the Prime Minister of Israel is talking about Uri Geller’s powers. List them in English to help your team get 2 extra points.
2 points
Baby talk
The religious life of the Jewish people is puzzling and unclear. It’s a hopeless tangle unless you have a rabbi. Or is it possible to see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Judaism is the oldest existing monotheistic religion in the world. This religious, national and ethical mindset of the Jewish people can be traced back to the 2nd millennium BC.

The religious life of Israeli Jews seems to be very complicated. What is more, there are terms, such as Torah, Nevi'im, Ketuvim, Shema Yisrael, menorah, Shabbat, Magen David, kashrut, shofar, amongst so many others...
Task 25.1
How can you make sense of it? Let's do the following: firstly, you find a local person who is ready to explain these terms to you as if to preschoolers. You can choose 3-5 terms. Record a short video (of 30 sec or less) of how you interview the local resident asking for explanations. Your reward for the completed task is 3-5 points. P.S. Someone of the synagogue-goers must be able to explain it to you.
up to 5 points
Task 25.2
Alternatively, you can complete the flipped task. Record a video of how one of your team members describes a religious term to a local resident in plain language so that this person guesses it. Your team will earn 3-5 points, depending on the number of terms.
up to 5 points
ATTENTION! The video should clearly show what terms are being talked about. You can complete either the first option or the second but not both!

Russian trail
Young man, we Russian don’t tip each other off!” Brother 2, a popular Russian film

Do you know what Aliyah means? For some people, this is a name for Turkic girls. For Israelis, Aliyah is a wave of Jewish immigration (repatriation) to Israel. In this case, it is correct to refer to Israelis as to migrants because the last waves of repatriation included just a minority of full Jews. So what if the population, including those people who are obligated to serve in the military, is the main guarantee for Israel’s survival?

In total, there were more than 10 repatriation waves. The first Aliyah began in 1882 and affected Jews, most of whom lived in the Russian Empire (Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Bessarabia). Russia and the Soviet Union played a vital role in recovering the population of Palestine and Israel.

While conducting your research today, pay attention to the so-called Russian trail in the life of modern Tel Aviv. Where do most of those who turn out to be Russian work? Are there any signboards or advertisements in Russian? Have you seen anyone speaking Russian? How often? Are there any Russian-speaking websites or other electronic means?
Task 26.1
The quote from Brother film is used at the beginning of the task not without reason. There is a stereotype that Jews who left the Soviet Union or Russia tend to consider former compatriots as an easy source of money. But is it really so?

We invite you to visit one of the money exchange points. Talk to the employees and find out the services they offer. It is highly likely that people working there will turn out to be Russian-speaking. Also, you will probably find their behavior suspicious.

We are waiting for the list of at least 5 services offered at the money exchange point and your opinion on how decent the staff seems. You can attach photos, too. This task gives you 5 points.
up to 5 points
Task 26.2
Find evidence of the Russian trail in the life of Tel Aviv in all its forms and manifestations. You will earn 1 point for each evidence presented in the format of photos (study our examples) or short videos. You can get the maximum of 5 points. When sending the messages, remember to include the name of the task
up to 5 points